
Donate Online

Support with a regular or a one time donation

Your donation makes a big difference

Your generous donation will go towards the work of our groups to reduce the feeling of loneliness, isolation and to improve the physical health of the older generations in West Bromwich and Sandwell.

All donations go towards the 291 Community Association CIO who run the 291 Creative Hub.

The subscriptions we receive towards our groups are most important to our funding and members who attend our Zoom activities are here given the opportunity to subscribe.

How to donate

If you would like to donate please use the following bank details and donate your chosen amount:

Sort code: 23-05-80

Account number: 43602349

Easy Fund Raising

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for 291 Community Association CIO with easyfundraising?

There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

All you need to do is:

1. Go to and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to 291 Community Association CIO at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and 291 Community Association CIO will be really grateful for your donations.

Thank you for your support.

What do we do

291 Creative HUB provides a safe, welcoming, accessible centrally located creative space run by older people for older people in West Bromwich and Sandwell. The purpose is to ensure that older people:

• Have a place to meet with purposeful and engaging activities

• Maintain healthy living standards

• Develop networks and groups for mutual support

• Make informed choices about health and well-being issues

• Promote prevention and early detection of health-related conditions including dementia

Expansion Plans

We are intending to start a “Cooking for one” class and also a “Sing along choir” soon.

What is the benefit of what we do?

The groups bring older people together around different interests and from different backgrounds helping to build stronger relationships. Those taking part enjoy companionship, getting out of the house, keeping fit, camaraderie, making new friends.

The “291 Creative Hub” is to help reduce loneliness and isolation. It is open to all older people in West Bromwich and other areas of Sandwell and provides them with friendship, mentoring and support.

What difference does our work make?

Improvements of the work that we do includes:

• Greater participation as members of society.

• A reduction in feelings of loneliness/isolation and vulnerability including hospitalisation and medication.

• Improvements in health and mental health.

• Encourage older people to continue to participate in creative activities

• Improve training, work skills and increase employability as volunteers

Feedback from the men’s groups is that they have all benefited from the physical and social aspect of getting together.

Digital Drop-in session is popular with people bringing their laptops, phones and tablets and volunteers helping to answer questions and solve problems. Many have grown in confidence and made new friendships and had better communication with family and friends.

The Art and Craft groups are well attended, participants learning new techniques and displaying their work.

Many have commented on improvements in their quality of life:

“It creates a spark so when you leave here you’re more likely to go out and extend what you have already done in class and try something new…its quite uplifting.”

“My health wouldn’t be as good as it is now if I wasn’t here”

“It is important. It has actually changed my way of life if you like…”

Your donations make a difference to the lives of older People in West Bromwich and Sandwell